
Try BlogLines if you read a lot of sites with RSS feeds

I've been playing around with RSS feeds for blogs (web log sites) as they are built into the Firefox browswer, but wasn't finding it useful there. I'd looked at them before, using stand-alone applications for reading RSS feeds, but never liked them. Probalby because this is a still-infant technology (despite them being used for podcasts in iTunes 4.9)

But I found a way to use RSS feeds to keep up on all my favorite sites without having to tediously visit each one to see if they've got anything new.

it's called BlogLines.com and it's a web site that does the same thing as the built in feature in web browsers or those stand-alone apps. And because it's on the web, I can access it from any computer on the 'net and get the latest news. Nothing to synchronize, etc.

Along with services like GMail, Google Maps, Blogger, etc, web sites that are applications (i.e. they serve a useful purpose other than just reading news or whatever) are becoming more and more popular. I'm not sure that web-apps will ever totally replace stand alone applications programs....but a lot of simpler programs can surely be made more useful by making them a web site.

Their only problem is when you need the service and you're not connected to the 'Net.

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