Actually, they already DO sell the "Apple iPod from HP" (one of the silliest product brand names ever....what is HP thinking?)
But this will sell iPods directly from Apple.
And they are moving toward selling Macs (probably the Mac Mini and the iMac, I'd guess) at Radio Shacks too, if the iPods work out (and they WILL).
I worked for a Radio Shack Computer Center from 1980-82 when the two mass-market personal computers were the Apple ][ lines and the Radio Shack TRS-80 line. I used both in high school in the late 70's (we had three TRS-80's, one Apple ][)
In 1984 I switched from a TRS-80 Model IV to an original Mac...and have been Apple ever since (at home). So it's kinda cool to see the place whose computers I first used, who eventually just became another PC clone-box maker, move back towards my computing preference!
You gotta wonder if HP wanted to rebadge the iPod as the "hPod (or the HPod). I would've wanted to.