
This shows how stupid the current Administration is

Bush supports offshoring high-tech

Yes...let's send all the jobs to a country that won't even let people from other countries move there unless they bring $$$$$ to start a new business (Cringley had a good column on this on the PBS web site) and which is restrictive in other ways as well. Meanwhile, we let in all kinds people from outside the country in vast quantities, and many of them make a bunch of money or get a bunch of education, then leave and compete with us unfairly....like India is doing. This is why the U.S.A. is the best country in the world.....but it just may be that, as the saying goes: "Nice guys finish last."

Funny, but I thought the President's job was to HELP our people and our country. Instead, he's done NOTHING but hurt our people and our country since he entered office. [now the FBI will probably thing I'm a commie or something. Ironic, isn't it?]

Good job, Mr. Bush. Send all the good jobs that bring wealth to our country and buying power to the customers of your big business cronies....meanwhile I'll have to take a "manufacturing" job at McDonalds. (Did you hear? The job loss is getting so bad that, instead of actually working to fix things....the Bushies want to re-classify burger-flipping as "manufacturing" so it'll look like we're gaining in "good" jobs.)

Thanks for nothing, Bush baby. Let's vote these brainless, clueless, fascist morons out of office in November, before they totally bankrupt the country financially, economically and morally.

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